Mecspe 2021: Marco Righi among the speakers at the Clust-ER Mech conference on technologies for Industry 4.0
23-25 November 2021
Bologna Fiere (Italy)
“Self-diagnostics and Predictive Maintenance in Lithium Batteries: The Flash Data Center” will be the title of the speech of our CEO Marco Righi at the conference organized by Clust-ER Mech and Associazione Meccanica on the occasion of the 20th edition of MECSPE 2021, the important B2B event dedicated to the latest innovations in the manufacturing industry. It will take place in Bologna Fiere (Italy) from 23rd to 25th November 2021.
The event, entitled “Clust-ER Mech and the new technologies being employed by the excellent companies of the Region“, will be held on Tuesday, November 23rd at 3:30 p.m. in the room “Sala Concerto (c/o Service Centre)” in Bologna Fiere. Its aims at drawing the public’s attention to the commitment of the outstanding companies of Emilia-Romagna region towards the development of new technologies related to Industry 4.0. Flash Battery has been invited to give its personal testimony as a leading company in the electrification segment, with a corporate vision that has always focused on innovation at 360°, from product to process, up to R&D and inclusive human resources management.
“Innovation is not only the cornerstone of our product, it is something that is strongly rooted in our corporate vision and is a concrete, daily commitment. We are currently focusing on the study of new chemistries and control electronics, where the effort of our research is to define which batteries will be produced in 2030, constituting a scientific vanguard that looks far ahead to artificial intelligence algorithms and increasingly efficient self-diagnostic mechanisms. Flash Battery, for example, was one of the first manufacturers to develop a remote control software, our patented Flash Data Center integrated into each battery. It monitors the healt of the battery 24/7 through a constant check of all parameters and makes it possible to eliminate temporal and geographical distances, by anticipating and preventing faults before they occur, carrying out self-diagnosis and predictive maintenance”.
Read the conference programme in detail::