Flash Battery waits for you at the Career Day of IIS Nobili in Reggio Emilia
27 November 2024
Higher Education Institute Leopoldo Nobili, Reggio Emilia Flash Battery among the companies taking part in the Career Day dedicated to the students of IIS Nobili in Reggio Emilia organised by Unindustria to connect the school world and businesses.
Higher Education Institute Leopoldo Nobili, Reggio Emilia Flash Battery among the companies taking part in the Career Day dedicated to the students of IIS Nobili in Reggio Emilia organised by Unindustria to connect the school world and businesses.

Flash Battery’s HR team at Job DAY 2024 organised by the University of Parma
8 November 2024
Fiere di Parma Flash Battery participates in Job Day 2024 organised by the University of Parma, together with over 150 companies in the area, to meet students and recent graduates ready to enter the world of work.
Fiere di Parma Flash Battery participates in Job Day 2024 organised by the University of Parma, together with over 150 companies in the area, to meet students and recent graduates ready to enter the world of work.

Flash Battery Family Day: when the ordinary becomes extraordinary
7 Settembre 2024
HQ Flash Battery On our first Flash Battery Family Day, Saturday 7 September 2024, we brought together our working world and our closest loved ones in a day of fun and teamwork.
HQ Flash Battery On our first Flash Battery Family Day, Saturday 7 September 2024, we brought together our working world and our closest loved ones in a day of fun and teamwork.

Flash Battery Open Factory: Flash Battery opens its doors to the families of its employees
15 June 2024
Flash Battery HQ During the Flash Battery Open Factory, for the first time, the families of all our employees were able to retrace our history and understand the development and production processes of our batteries through a tour of our HQ.
Flash Battery HQ During the Flash Battery Open Factory, for the first time, the families of all our employees were able to retrace our history and understand the development and production processes of our batteries through a tour of our HQ.

Flash Battery HR team awaits you at the DISMI 2024 Career Day
29 May 2024
Buccola Pavilion, Campus San Lazzaro, Reggio Emilia Flash Battery's HR team illustrates the career paths available in the company to the students of the Engineering Department of Reggio Emilia on the occasion of the DISMI 2024 Career Day.
Buccola Pavilion, Campus San Lazzaro, Reggio Emilia Flash Battery's HR team illustrates the career paths available in the company to the students of the Engineering Department of Reggio Emilia on the occasion of the DISMI 2024 Career Day.

Flash Battery meets Unimore students at ‘Incontri con le imprese ’ Career Day
9 May 2024
Tecnopolo of Reggio Emilia Flash Battery is taking part in Unimore's ‘Incontri con le imprese’ career day to meet the University's young graduates and undergraduates ready to enter the world of work.
Tecnopolo of Reggio Emilia Flash Battery is taking part in Unimore's ‘Incontri con le imprese’ career day to meet the University's young graduates and undergraduates ready to enter the world of work.

Flash Battery among the protagonists of the Career Day organised by IIS Nobili in Reggio Emilia
8 May 2024
IIS Nobili, Reggio Emilia Flash Battery talks to the students of IIS Nobili in Reggio Emilia, on the occasion of the Career Day organised in collaboration with Unindustria, to facilitate the meeting between schools and businesses.
IIS Nobili, Reggio Emilia Flash Battery talks to the students of IIS Nobili in Reggio Emilia, on the occasion of the Career Day organised in collaboration with Unindustria, to facilitate the meeting between schools and businesses.

From start-up to enterprise: Marco Righi tells Club Oltre of Unione Industriale Biellese about his entrepreneurial experience
18 april 2024
Club Oltre, Biella Marco Righi talks about his entrepreneurial experience as founder and CEO of Flash Battery, at 'Andiamo Oltre', the event organised by the Unione Industriale Biellese (Biella Industrial Union), which fosters opportunities to meet leading figures on the national scene.
Club Oltre, Biella Marco Righi talks about his entrepreneurial experience as founder and CEO of Flash Battery, at 'Andiamo Oltre', the event organised by the Unione Industriale Biellese (Biella Industrial Union), which fosters opportunities to meet leading figures on the national scene.

Flash Battery’s HR team at the “Il lavoro al femminile” job day
11 March 2024
Technopole of Reggio Emilia Flash Battery participates in 'Il lavoro al femminile', the Job Day organised by the Regional Employment Agency, at the Technopole of Reggio Emilia, that aims to bring together women seeking a new job and businesses in the Reggio Emilia area.
Technopole of Reggio Emilia Flash Battery participates in 'Il lavoro al femminile', the Job Day organised by the Regional Employment Agency, at the Technopole of Reggio Emilia, that aims to bring together women seeking a new job and businesses in the Reggio Emilia area.

School-business collaboration on electric mobility: Flash Battery among the speakers at the ‘Electrifying the Future’ event
25 january 2024
Municipal Planetarium of Modena Flash Battery among the speakers at 'Electrifying the Future', the event dedicated to the students of the ITS Corni of Modena, to promote the dialogue between schools and companies on the topic of electric mobility.
Municipal Planetarium of Modena Flash Battery among the speakers at 'Electrifying the Future', the event dedicated to the students of the ITS Corni of Modena, to promote the dialogue between schools and companies on the topic of electric mobility.

Flash Battery HR Team at Notte di Leonardo 2023 organised by ITIS Leonardo da Vinci in Parma
1st December 2023
ITIS Leonardo da Vinci, ParmaFlash Battery's HR team met with students from ITIS Leonardo da Vinci in Parma on the occasion of Leonardo Night, the annual event organised by the technical institute, which connects students and businesses in the area.
ITIS Leonardo da Vinci, ParmaFlash Battery's HR team met with students from ITIS Leonardo da Vinci in Parma on the occasion of Leonardo Night, the annual event organised by the technical institute, which connects students and businesses in the area.

Flash Battery hosts EIT European Master’s students in “Energy Storage”
February 15, 2023
Flash Battery HQStudents of EIT European Master's programme in “Energy Storage”, accompanied by professors of the Politecnico di Torino, chose Flash Battery for a day dedicated to the topic of lithium batteries and industrial electrification.
Flash Battery HQStudents of EIT European Master's programme in “Energy Storage”, accompanied by professors of the Politecnico di Torino, chose Flash Battery for a day dedicated to the topic of lithium batteries and industrial electrification.

Flash Battery speaks at “Automotive Revamping: the future of batteries” webinar
26 October 2022
Online EventFlash Battery participates in the webinar "Automotive revamping: the future of batteries" organised by MISTER Smart Innovation and Tecnopolo Bologna CNR to talk about the transition towards electrification, increasingly smart lithium batteries and the commitment to European projects to contribute to Europe-wide research and development.
Online EventFlash Battery participates in the webinar "Automotive revamping: the future of batteries" organised by MISTER Smart Innovation and Tecnopolo Bologna CNR to talk about the transition towards electrification, increasingly smart lithium batteries and the commitment to European projects to contribute to Europe-wide research and development.

International Energy Saving Day: the sustainable Flash Battery HQ
18 February 2022
Flash Battery HQWe celebrate International Energy Saving Day with the energy saving goals achieved in 2021: our sustainable HQ enabled us to produce 189 MWh of energy, to be 70% self-sufficient and to avoid over 48.3 tonnes of C02 emissions.
Flash Battery HQWe celebrate International Energy Saving Day with the energy saving goals achieved in 2021: our sustainable HQ enabled us to produce 189 MWh of energy, to be 70% self-sufficient and to avoid over 48.3 tonnes of C02 emissions.

Flash Battery partner of the Experis Academy “Electric Powertrain” specialisation course
24 January - 9 March 2022
Experis Academy Flash Battery will be among the partners of the "Electric Powertrain" Intensive Specialisation Course, promoted in collaboration with Experis Academy to train new professionals specialised in the field of electrification.
Experis Academy Flash Battery will be among the partners of the "Electric Powertrain" Intensive Specialisation Course, promoted in collaboration with Experis Academy to train new professionals specialised in the field of electrification.

Mecspe 2021: Marco Righi among the speakers at the Clust-ER Mech conference on technologies for Industry 4.0
23 - 25 November 2021
Bologna FiereOn Tuesday 23 November 2021 our CEO Marco Righi will attend MECSPE as a spokesperson at the conference organised by Clust-ER Mech and Associazione Meccanica on the subject of the commitment of Emilia-Romagna outstanding companies for the development of new Industry 4.0 technologies.
Bologna FiereOn Tuesday 23 November 2021 our CEO Marco Righi will attend MECSPE as a spokesperson at the conference organised by Clust-ER Mech and Associazione Meccanica on the subject of the commitment of Emilia-Romagna outstanding companies for the development of new Industry 4.0 technologies.

Marco Righi guest of Top Voice Filippo Poletti at the LinkedIn talk “New Normal LIVE”
July 15, 2021
LinkedIn EventThe CEO and founder of Flash Battery, will explain to "New Normal Live" the innovation of Flash Battery in the production of high-tech lithium batteries for industrial machines and electric vehicles.
LinkedIn EventThe CEO and founder of Flash Battery, will explain to "New Normal Live" the innovation of Flash Battery in the production of high-tech lithium batteries for industrial machines and electric vehicles.

Innovation Days: On the road with Il Sole 24 Ore to explore Italian innovation
27 May 2021
Digital Event Marco Righi, CEO of Flash Battery, is among the speakers at the Emilian stop of the Innovation Days: 10 days organised by Il Sole 24 Ore and Confindustria in search of the best practices of Italian innovation.
Digital Event Marco Righi, CEO of Flash Battery, is among the speakers at the Emilian stop of the Innovation Days: 10 days organised by Il Sole 24 Ore and Confindustria in search of the best practices of Italian innovation.

The experience of Flash Battery for the Master Class “E-Mobility & Electric Powertrain”
12-14 March 2021
Digital Event Experis Academy chooses Flash Battery's founders, Marco Righi and Alan Pastorelli, as lecturers for the lessons dedicated to the Battery Pack within the "E-Mobility & Electric Powertrain" Master Class.
Digital Event Experis Academy chooses Flash Battery's founders, Marco Righi and Alan Pastorelli, as lecturers for the lessons dedicated to the Battery Pack within the "E-Mobility & Electric Powertrain" Master Class.

Flash Battery will be among the speakers at the webinar “Battery value chain, opportunities for the territory”
5 March 2021
Digital Event Sustainable mobility: what are the local and global opportunities in the battery supply chain today? Flash Battery is among the speakers at the Webinar promoted by ERMES, the Value Chain supporting the electricity transition.
Digital Event Sustainable mobility: what are the local and global opportunities in the battery supply chain today? Flash Battery is among the speakers at the Webinar promoted by ERMES, the Value Chain supporting the electricity transition.

Marco Righi, CEO Flash Battery, among the speakers at Electric Days Digital 2021
8-12 February 2021
Digital Event The Electric Days, digital event dedicated to electric mobility, was held from 8 to 12 February. On 9 February at 11:00 am, Marco Righi, CEO Flash Battery, was among the speakers with the speech "Battery Made in Italy, can be done!"
Digital Event The Electric Days, digital event dedicated to electric mobility, was held from 8 to 12 February. On 9 February at 11:00 am, Marco Righi, CEO Flash Battery, was among the speakers with the speech "Battery Made in Italy, can be done!"

Flash Battery participates in the ECA 2030 conference within the EU Project NewControl
27-28 October 2020
Virtual Event On 27 and 28 October Flash Battery will be involved in the conference ECA2030 on electrification, connectivity and autonomous driving.
Virtual Event On 27 and 28 October Flash Battery will be involved in the conference ECA2030 on electrification, connectivity and autonomous driving.

September 22, 2020
YouTube Channel Tesla Owners Italia Tesla Owners Italy organized "Tesla Battery Day" LIVE from Italy, together with several field experts, including our CEO Marco Righi: an electrifying debate!
YouTube Channel Tesla Owners Italia Tesla Owners Italy organized "Tesla Battery Day" LIVE from Italy, together with several field experts, including our CEO Marco Righi: an electrifying debate!

16 September 2020
YouTube Channel Tesla Owners Italia Waiting for Tesla Battery Day, Marco Righi explains Flash Battery technology for the industrial sector.
YouTube Channel Tesla Owners Italia Waiting for Tesla Battery Day, Marco Righi explains Flash Battery technology for the industrial sector.

Flash Battery opens its doors to students for the 10th "PMI DAY Industriamoci 2019", a national day promoted by Confindustria.

Flash Battery at University of Parma’s Job Day 2019: a day devoted to career guidance offering the chance to meet employers.

Kaitek Flash Battery events aim to raise awareness among the younger generations and encourage them to believe in their dreams.

Kaitek lithium batteries seen up-close during the European Small and Medium Enterprises Week: 17 November 2017 PMI Day - Industriamoci.
FLASH BATTERY produces lithium batteries for industrial machines and electric vehicles.
Flash Battery srl
Via XXV Aprile Ovest, 23/A
42049 Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE)
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Job opportunities