We are access equipment: Innovation power
24 July 2023 – We are access equipment
What is a patent? Many think it is the simple application of legal protection to a product, but this is not exactly the case. Obtaining a patent is not a mere bureaucratic process, but a process that leads to obtaining a legal document that guarantees the protection of a technical invention. That’s right, to obtain a patent it is essential that the invention presents a new and original solution to a technical problem.
And this is exactly what happened to Flash Battery which recently obtained the Italian patent for the industrial invention of the Flash Balancing System , Flash Battery proprietary Battery Management System.
For the Emilia-based company, this is a milestone whose value goes far beyond the purely legal one: it is a recognition not only of the hard work, but also of the intuition of the young founders of Flash Battery and their entrepreneurial skills.
“The patent gives our proprietary technology further prominence both on the national and international market and at the same time allows us to give value to our differentiating know-how, built up over 10 years of commitment to research and development” said Marco Righi , founder and CEO of Flash Battery.