Flash Battery CEO Marco Righi among the speakers at the round table “Critical raw materials: a possible new resource”
04 Dicembre 2024
Tecnopolo di Reggio Emilia
The matter of critical raw materials will be increasingly topical in the international debate, particularly in Europe. The challenges related to these materials are essential to ensuring the competitiveness of European industry and accelerating the ecological and digital transition and will continue to be strategic due to their limited geographical availability, often concentrated in a few non-European countries.
The European Union has set ambitious targets to be achieved by 2030 in this area, focusing in particular on recycling and urban mining, a practice for recovering critical raw materials from industrial waste and refuse. The goal of the approach is to reduce foreign dependency and promote greater strategic autonomy and environmental sustainability for the continent.
This will be the focus of the event entitled “Critical raw materials: a possible new resource” to be held on 4 December 2024 at Tecnopolo Reggio Emilia. Organised by Garc Ambiente in cooperation with Fondazione REI, the meeting will bring together experts and leading representatives of the sector to discuss how to turn this complex challenge into a concrete opportunity for the future.
Marco Righi, CEO of Flash Battery, will be one of the speakers and will offer the insights of a leading manufacturer of lithium batteries, exploring the connection between critical raw materials and energy transition. Our CEO’s talk, starting at 4 p.m., will focus on key topics including responsible mining of materials, such as lithium and cobalt, and battery recycling and component remanufacturing, showing how these processes can contribute to a more sustainable and circular production system.
The issue will be discussed from different points of view, exploring the topic of critical raw materials in various areas and offering specific ideas and solutions based on each speaker’s expertise and know-how. The speakers will be: Andrea Grillenzoni, General Manager of Garc S.p.A., Eugenio Sini, Director of AGICI’s Recycling and Waste Industry Observatory, Laura Castelli, General Manager of Erion Energy, Eugenio Bertolini, Managing Director of Iren Ambiente, Jacopo Neri, CFO of RarEarth, Gian Marco Malagoli, CCEC Coordinator of Garc Ambiente.
Through discussions with other authoritative people, the event aims to identify innovative and shared solutions to turn challenges into opportunities.