We Are Access Equipment | A reasoned electrification
30/08/2024 – We are access equipment
In 1973, Michael Ende published Momo, a fantasy novel in which the protagonist, Momo, an orphaned and illiterate child, manages, guided by her innate wisdom, to save the world’s time. More than fifty years have passed since then, and today Ende’s fable (second in fame only to The Neverending Story, ed.) sounds as prescient as ever for an age, ours, in which we have lost the value of time. But, if in Momo it was the time devoted to ‘futile things’ that had vanished, today we no longer devote time even to those things that deserve it. Such as getting informed carefully and applying ‘thinking for oneself’.
A striking example of this is the disproportionate spread of incorrect and superficial information on one of the great topics of our time: sustainability. But what is behind ‘electric mobility’? The short answer is: a great deal of incorrect or incomplete information.
There has been a lot of talk around the subject of electrification without, however, those who were meant to disseminate the information on a large scale having taken (and are still taking, ed.) the trouble to inform themselves methodically and conscientiously on the subject (mass media above all).
Here we would like, with the help of Flash Battery, to shed some light on a few aspects, because, while having a greater impact in the automotive sector given the numbers in the sector, thery are de facto valid for any electric machine or equipment, whatever the mission for which it was designed.